Collection: Mantain a Healthy Lifestyle with Zenement

Which Minerals Are Essential for a Healthy Life?
Minerals are substances that our bodies can absorb if they are in bioavailable chemical forms, such as bisglycinate or citrate salts. They play important roles in our health, from strengthening bones to transmitting nerve impulses, helping, as a whole, the complex machinery of our body to function properly.

Increase Your Well-being: How to Combine Food Supplements to Boost...
Have you heard about how 1+1 can be much more than 2 in the world of nutritional supplements? That's thanks to the magic of synergy. At Zenement, we want you to know the smart power of combining our products to increase their benefits, thanks to their joint action on our body's biochemistry.

The importance of a good gut microbiota
The intestinal microbiota is the set of living microorganisms that inhabit our digestive tract, mainly the intestine. The best known are bacteria, but we also have fungi and even viruses.

Discover the Power of Liposomes: Liposomal Vitamin C and Liposomal...
Today, we invite you to explore the world of liposomes, microscopic spheres that can be loaded with active ingredients and used as a vehicle so that they can be absorbed more effectively by our bodies. They are making a huge impact in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry, including the food supplement field. But what makes liposomes so special in this field?

Spirulina: the food supplement already used by NASA astronauts
Have you ever wondered what astronauts eat when they are in space? Well, one of the foods they eat is spirulina, an algae that has been the subject of numerous scientific studies due to its impressive nutritional content. We invite you to learn more about its origins, its nutritional composition, and its health benefits, which have been studied and recognised by the scientific community.

Tribulus and Maca: Why they are different and which one...
Maca and tribulus are two plant extracts commonly used in food supplements. Both supplements aim to improve both male and female health, with a particular role in increasing libido and energy. But what are their differences?

Don't Overlook: Proper Hydration as a Source for Wellness
There is one aspect of our daily lives that we often don't pay enough attention to: our hydration. This is an essential aspect of our health and well-being, but it is surprising how much we overlook the importance of what we drink, and how our choices in this regard can have a significant impact on our bodies.

Supplements for Travellers: Protection and well-being during your adventures
Travelling can be an exciting experience, but it can also be a challenge for our bodies. Time zone changes, long walks, sun exposure and dietary variations can affect our health and well-being. In this article, we will examine some food supplements that can be beneficial for travellers.

6 tips to boost your antioxidant levels
Antioxidants are substances that protect us against oxidation by free radicals, thereby preventing them from damaging our cells. It is very important to reinforce our natural antioxidant systems through diet, certain healthy habits or through supplementation.

What are antioxidants and how do we classify them?
In our daily life we are continuously exposed to both exogenous and endogenous agents. These are internal or external harmful substances that promote free radical formation that damage our organism. To counter this threat, cells have developed antioxidants, mechanisms that prevent or delay this damage.

Why you should include supplements in your daily routine if...
If you are just getting into the world of sport you may have heard that supplements can help you improve your physical performance but you may not quite understand which one is most suitable for you and your sporting routine. In this post we will try to shed some light on some of these common doubts.

Strengthening your immune system
The immune system is a complex network of cells, organs and tissues. It protects us from both internal and external threats (viruses, bacteria, fungi, cancer cells, etc.), it restores damaged tissues and maintains homeostasis (the ideal conditions for our body to be in balance and function properly despite changes).

8 tips to keep your energy levels high
Have you ever noticed that you have a lack of energy and/or that your energy levels are not allowing you to lead the lifestyle you want to lead?

How autumn affects our health
Autumn is the season of the year that begins with the autumnal equinox, the day when the hours of sunshine equal the hours of darkness.

How to maintain healthy joints and treat joint pain?
Are you concerned about the health of your joints? If so, you’re in the right place. In this post we are going to explain what joints are and what they are made of, but we are also going to give you some advice on how to take care of them.

What is a Novel Food?
Maybe you have heard this term before, but do you know what it means? Novel foods are defined as foods that had not been significantly consumed by humans in the EU before 15 May 1997 (Novel Food Regulation (EU) 2015/2283).

Improve your emotional state with Griffonia Complex
Recently the ingredient known as 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) has been declared as an unauthorised ingredient in the Novel Food Catalogue. But this does not mean that 5-HTP is no longer available.

How does Omega-3 improve our health?
Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that we need to include in our diet on a regular basis, since mammals cannot synthesise it. It plays an essential role in our organism, particularly its anti-inflammatory capacity. Within this family we distinguish eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the main bioactive forms in humans.

How to take care of your skin during the summer?
Taking care of your skin all year round keeps it healthy, elastic and helps to delay the appearance of wrinkles. But carrying out this routine during the summer is even more important because this is the time of year when we sunbathe on the beach and by the pool.

When to take food supplements?
Taking food supplements can help reinforce a healthy diet. This is becoming increasingly clear to more and more people. But what raises more questions is knowing when is the best time of the day to take them.

What are adaptogens?
To begin with, it would be useful to explain what adaptogens are. They are a series of plants and mushrooms that can improve our body's ability to resist physical and emotional stress.

New European regulation on monacolins for red yeast rice food...
As of May, red yeast rice yeast food supplements must contain less than 3 mg of Monacolin K per daily dose to comply with new EU regulations.

How to prevent hair loss?
In our daily lives we are exposed to different factors that can cause our hair to fall out to a greater or lesser extent. For many people this is a concern, as it may indicate an underlying health problem or simply because it affects their personal look.

Let's fight the post-holiday blues!
Muhammad Ali. And he knew what it meant to take a beating in and out of the ring. With “post-holiday blues” you can experience something similar from the psychological blow that comes with the end of summer. That’s why Zenement offers you some guidelines to keep your body and mind well-balanced and to make it easier for you to get back to your routine.