Collection: Mantain a Healthy Lifestyle with Zenement

What are antioxidants and how do we classify them?
In our daily life we are continuously exposed to both exogenous and endogenous agents. These are internal or external harmful substances that promote free radical formation that damage our organism. To counter this threat, cells have developed antioxidants, mechanisms that prevent or delay this damage.

Why you should include supplements in your daily routine if...
If you are just getting into the world of sport you may have heard that supplements can help you improve your physical performance but you may not quite understand which one is most suitable for you and your sporting routine. In this post we will try to shed some light on some of these common doubts.

Why do we age?
Ageing is characterised by a progressive loss of cellular functions and causes our bodies to gradually deteriorate. It is the main cause of pathologies that frequently appear with age, such as type II diabetes, cardiovascular disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.

Strengthening your immune system
The immune system is a complex network of cells, organs and tissues. It protects us from both internal and external threats (viruses, bacteria, fungi, cancer cells, etc.), it restores damaged tissues and maintains homeostasis (the ideal conditions for our body to be in balance and function properly despite changes).

Detox: what is it and how to do it?
The human body is exposed on a daily basis to internal toxins (free radicals or alcohol metabolites, among others) produced by the body itself and external toxins (heavy metals or pesticides) that damage our tissues.

8 tips to keep your energy levels high
Have you ever noticed that you have a lack of energy and/or that your energy levels are not allowing you to lead the lifestyle you want to lead?

Genes and molecules that regulate ageing
Pioneering researchers consider ageing to be a pathology that can be treated at a multimodal level. We highlight David Sinclair, prestigious Australian biologist and Harvard researcher and pioneer in the description of the genetic pathways that control ageing, who reaffirms that “There is no law that says we have to grow old”.

9 tips to slow ageing, live longer and better
Aging is just another stage of life that we should not be afraid of, since we can take actions against its signs by applying certain habits to our daily routine.

Resveratrol and Quercetin: DNA repair molecules
This post is focused on resveratrol and quercetin, two molecules with anti-ageing effects. They do not act as simple antioxidants, but their mechanism of action is based on the activation of SIRT1, a gene of the sirtuin family

Spermidine: Autophagy promoter molecule
We are now going to talk about spermidine, a molecule with anti-ageing effects. Spermidine acts at the genetic level: it interacts with one of the longevity pathways, namely mTOR (mammal Target Of Rapamycin).

Berberine: Mitochondrial synthesis activator molecule
In this post we are going to talk about what berberine is and how this molecule promotes longevity. Its mechanism of action is genetic: it activates one of the longevity genes, namely AMPK (AMP-activated kinase).

How autumn affects our health
Autumn is the season of the year that begins with the autumnal equinox, the day when the hours of sunshine equal the hours of darkness.

How to maintain healthy joints and treat joint pain?
Are you concerned about the health of your joints? If so, you’re in the right place. In this post we are going to explain what joints are and what they are made of, but we are also going to give you some advice on how to take care of them.

What is a Novel Food?
Maybe you have heard this term before, but do you know what it means? Novel foods are defined as foods that had not been significantly consumed by humans in the EU before 15 May 1997 (Novel Food Regulation (EU) 2015/2283).

Improve your emotional state with Griffonia Complex
Recently the ingredient known as 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) has been declared as an unauthorised ingredient in the Novel Food Catalogue. But this does not mean that 5-HTP is no longer available.

How does Omega-3 improve our health?
Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that we need to include in our diet on a regular basis, since mammals cannot synthesise it. It plays an essential role in our organism, particularly its anti-inflammatory capacity. Within this family we distinguish eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the main bioactive forms in humans.

How to take care of your skin during the summer?
Taking care of your skin all year round keeps it healthy, elastic and helps to delay the appearance of wrinkles. But carrying out this routine during the summer is even more important because this is the time of year when we sunbathe on the beach and by the pool.

When to take food supplements?
Taking food supplements can help reinforce a healthy diet. This is becoming increasingly clear to more and more people. But what raises more questions is knowing when is the best time of the day to take them.

What are adaptogens?
To begin with, it would be useful to explain what adaptogens are. They are a series of plants and mushrooms that can improve our body's ability to resist physical and emotional stress.

New European regulation on monacolins for red yeast rice food...
As of May, red yeast rice yeast food supplements must contain less than 3 mg of Monacolin K per daily dose to comply with new EU regulations.

Do you have a healthy digestive system?
Our digestive system contains trillions of bacteria known as gut microbiota which, as well as protecting us from foreign microorganisms, also transform the food we eat so that it can be properly digested. Over the years, it is easy for our digestive system to suffer from minor discomfort to more severe disorders.

We give you the keys to prevent cardiovascular diseases!
"Cardiovascular disease" is a broad term that is linked to heart and blood vessel disorders. Such ailments are often linked to an ongoing build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries until they form what are called atheromatous plaques. If an artery gets clogged, blood cannot deliver oxygen and nutrients. This can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

How to prevent hair loss?
In our daily lives we are exposed to different factors that can cause our hair to fall out to a greater or lesser extent. For many people this is a concern, as it may indicate an underlying health problem or simply because it affects their personal look.

Are you an owl, a lark, or a hummingbird? Find...
If you go to a sleep doctor to tell them you're a terrible sleeper, you will be told that you're an owl, a lark, or a hummingbird. If this happens, don't be alarmed. It’s not an insult. These three animals belong to the categories that specialists use when analysing the chronotype or internal rhythm of each person.