Collection: Mantain a Healthy Lifestyle with Zenement

Tribulus and Maca: Why they are different and which one...
Maca and tribulus are two plant extracts commonly used in food supplements. Both supplements aim to improve both male and female health, with a particular role in increasing libido and energy. But what are their differences?

Why you should include supplements in your daily routine if...
If you are just getting into the world of sport you may have heard that supplements can help you improve your physical performance but you may not quite understand which one is most suitable for you and your sporting routine. In this post we will try to shed some light on some of these common doubts.

8 tips to keep your energy levels high
Have you ever noticed that you have a lack of energy and/or that your energy levels are not allowing you to lead the lifestyle you want to lead?

Improve your emotional state with Griffonia Complex
Recently the ingredient known as 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) has been declared as an unauthorised ingredient in the Novel Food Catalogue. But this does not mean that 5-HTP is no longer available.

What are adaptogens?
To begin with, it would be useful to explain what adaptogens are. They are a series of plants and mushrooms that can improve our body's ability to resist physical and emotional stress.

Let's fight the post-holiday blues!
Muhammad Ali. And he knew what it meant to take a beating in and out of the ring. With “post-holiday blues” you can experience something similar from the psychological blow that comes with the end of summer. That’s why Zenement offers you some guidelines to keep your body and mind well-balanced and to make it easier for you to get back to your routine.

The importance of B vitamins
They are organic and water-soluble micronutrients of vital importance for human beings. We are referring to the B vitamins. As we cannot synthesize them, we have no choice but to obtain them from the environment through food intake. Some of the vitamins in this group are found in vegetables, while others are derived from animals. Vitamin B12 is a special case here, as it can only be obtained from animal products.