Collection: Mantain a Healthy Lifestyle with Zenement

Going Beyond the Memory: Practical Tips and Supplements for Better...
Our brain's ability to encode, store, and retrieve information is called memory. But do you know how it works? Human memory is very complex. One reason is that it is associated with several areas and segments of the brain: the hippocampus (which is involved in the formation of memories), the prefrontal cortex (which is involved in working memory), and the temporal lobe (which is involved in long-term memory).

What are adaptogens?
To begin with, it would be useful to explain what adaptogens are. They are a series of plants and mushrooms that can improve our body's ability to resist physical and emotional stress.

Let's fight the post-holiday blues!
Muhammad Ali. And he knew what it meant to take a beating in and out of the ring. With “post-holiday blues” you can experience something similar from the psychological blow that comes with the end of summer. That’s why Zenement offers you some guidelines to keep your body and mind well-balanced and to make it easier for you to get back to your routine.