Collection: Mantain a Healthy Lifestyle with Zenement

L-Taurine and its Rejuvenating Properties According to Science
Scientific advances never cease, and in recent years L-Taurine has taken center stage in the anti-aging field. By protecting cells from oxidative damage and improving cell function, it is believed that L-Taurine may play a role in preventing early signs of ageing and promoting a healthier life, which recent studies are beginning to show.

Don't Overlook: Proper Hydration as a Source for Wellness
There is one aspect of our daily lives that we often don't pay enough attention to: our hydration. This is an essential aspect of our health and well-being, but it is surprising how much we overlook the importance of what we drink, and how our choices in this regard can have a significant impact on our bodies.

Skin Care and Tanning: The Carrot Myth
With the arrival of the summer and beautiful sunny days, it is inevitable to think about that tan we are all looking for. But is it actually true that certain foods, such as carrots, can help change the tone of our skin?

Supplements for Travellers: Protection and well-being during your adventures
Travelling can be an exciting experience, but it can also be a challenge for our bodies. Time zone changes, long walks, sun exposure and dietary variations can affect our health and well-being. In this article, we will examine some food supplements that can be beneficial for travellers.

Nutricosmetics: what it is, benefits, and recommended supplements
Have you ever heard about the "promoting beauty from within" concept? This trend has been on the rise for years. With this idea we refer to the clear impact that our diet has on our health, and therefore on our physical appearance (especially that of our skin, nails, and hair). From this concept nutricosmetics was born, which combines personal care with nutrition to help us improve our physical appearance in a healthy way.

6 tips to boost your antioxidant levels
Antioxidants are substances that protect us against oxidation by free radicals, thereby preventing them from damaging our cells. It is very important to reinforce our natural antioxidant systems through diet, certain healthy habits or through supplementation.

What are antioxidants and how do we classify them?
In our daily life we are continuously exposed to both exogenous and endogenous agents. These are internal or external harmful substances that promote free radical formation that damage our organism. To counter this threat, cells have developed antioxidants, mechanisms that prevent or delay this damage.

Why do we age?
Ageing is characterised by a progressive loss of cellular functions and causes our bodies to gradually deteriorate. It is the main cause of pathologies that frequently appear with age, such as type II diabetes, cardiovascular disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.

Genes and molecules that regulate ageing
Pioneering researchers consider ageing to be a pathology that can be treated at a multimodal level. We highlight David Sinclair, prestigious Australian biologist and Harvard researcher and pioneer in the description of the genetic pathways that control ageing, who reaffirms that “There is no law that says we have to grow old”.

9 tips to slow ageing, live longer and better
Aging is just another stage of life that we should not be afraid of, since we can take actions against its signs by applying certain habits to our daily routine.

Resveratrol and Quercetin: DNA repair molecules
This post is focused on resveratrol and quercetin, two molecules with anti-ageing effects. They do not act as simple antioxidants, but their mechanism of action is based on the activation of SIRT1, a gene of the sirtuin family

Spermidine: Autophagy promoter molecule
We are now going to talk about spermidine, a molecule with anti-ageing effects. Spermidine acts at the genetic level: it interacts with one of the longevity pathways, namely mTOR (mammal Target Of Rapamycin).

Berberine: Mitochondrial synthesis activator molecule
In this post we are going to talk about what berberine is and how this molecule promotes longevity. Its mechanism of action is genetic: it activates one of the longevity genes, namely AMPK (AMP-activated kinase).

How to take care of your skin during the summer?
Taking care of your skin all year round keeps it healthy, elastic and helps to delay the appearance of wrinkles. But carrying out this routine during the summer is even more important because this is the time of year when we sunbathe on the beach and by the pool.

How to prevent hair loss?
In our daily lives we are exposed to different factors that can cause our hair to fall out to a greater or lesser extent. For many people this is a concern, as it may indicate an underlying health problem or simply because it affects their personal look.

What do we know about vitamin D?
Of all the micronutrients we need to live, vitamin D has a peculiarity that makes it unique. In addition to acquiring it from food, our body is able to obtain it when we sunbathe outdoors. The synthesis process occurs when ultraviolet B (UVB) rays come into contact with our skin.